Friday, February 29, 2008

Mandy Moore once said...

I have a crush :X

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Color Blind

Have you ever noticed that everything truly does look better in black and white? I mean color is beautiful but once you take that away, you must truly rely on the beauty of the object. My next blog is going to be pretty deep and kind of depressing but I want your minds to be open. I want you to look deeper than the beauty on the outside, and strip it away to notice the true beauty.

Everyone deserves to be color blind.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A note from Leah:

"you really are one of the best things thats ever happened to me. and i always feel bad that i dont tell you that enough but i hate when youre away and im good at detaching but not for long. and that blog really meant a lot..truly truly"


That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Sunset Soon Forgotten

Have you ever seen those couples walking down the street and get sick to your stomach because of how annoying adorable they look together? Yeah well me too. Numerous times a couple has walked by me holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, and kissing after every word, and I feel the vomit start to rise in my throat. Why can't this be me? Honestly, do I have bad B.O. or a sign on my forehead that says STD?!!!?!?! Man, when life throws me lemons, I don't make any lemonade, but I pick up the strangely shaped fruit and throw it at the baby in the diaper with the bow and arrow.

The closest I have ever been to this feeling is when I met my best friend Leah. What a gem she is. Short bangs, braces, overalls, crooked glasses, and sponge sandals, one would think a gay man would never go near someone with the audacity to wear overalls, but I was drawn to her immediately.

Leah wasn't just any friend to me; she was the only one that truly got me. Coming from two very VERY different walks of life, we related on many different levels. Still do this day, I am finding different things I have in common with this guardian angel (if you only knew..:]).

She probably is the only person that can make me laugh, smile, cry, choke, dance, skip, hump, and lick with just one word. She’s a sister, a best friend, a hero.

Leah has gotten the shit end of the stick pretty much her whole life. I would think that losing my dog was the most traumatic thing to happen to me, just to find out Leah's brother was missing for 3 months, her father was in rehab...again, her mom ran away with an overweight pot head to Vernon, NY, and she lost her house in one of the many terrible floods that hit Greene. However, with all of these problems, Leah never was defeated. Surly she would break down and cry in my room numerous times, but she never allowed what was going on suffocate her. No matter how bad the storm was, or how big the waves, she would always seem to keep float.

I feel, and don't call me mushy or anything, that I love everything about this girl... I truly mean that.

Leah has been able to shoo away all of those annoying flies that have bothered her throughout the years, but it seems like one comes back, stronger and raring to fight... her father.

Marty Barden is a sorry excuse for a man. I take no sympathy on him and wish him nothing but the worst. One would think those are the worst things to say about a person, especially someone they barely know, but the thing is I don’t want to know him. I feel that being in the same room as him, or simply breathing the same air will make me so enraged I wouldn't be able to control myself. He single handedly has ruined Leah's life.

Always reaching out to her bipolar father, Leah would offer her love; a love you can't find and only wish you had, and would always find herself left outside in the cold. Numerous times she would call this man, write to him, and even drive to see him, and get no response. What a father. Mr. Barden never appreciated Leah and has uttered the three worst words in the world to his daughter "I hate you." He would use death as a play toy and dangle it in front of Leah's face. Telling Leah he was going to kill himself, hang up the phone fast and not call her back, leaving a little girl in tears hoping her father was still alive.

How do you call yourself a man? I may only be 19, and this maybe none of my business, but I have one thing to say to you Mr. Barden..Fuck you.

To you Leah is nothing but a sunset soon forgotten, but what you don't realize is that the buried treasure you have been looking for has always been right in front of your face. My parents have been more like parents to Leah than you will ever be and I hope you sleep every night regretting not getting to know this wonderful girl.

I just realized that I already have that thing those cute couples have. That thing that makes you smile. That thing that makes you cry. That thing that makes you you. I have Leah.

We may not be the "normal “couple because I just don't swing that way, but I that baby in the diaper struck me with his arrow the day I met Leah. So be jealous when you see us...puke a little in your mouth, but know were always going to be there right beside each other no matter what fruit life may throw at us.

I love you Leah.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Monday, February 11, 2008


RIP Uncle Jack<3

May God hold you in his arms, and never let you go.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I press my head against the cold window as the long ride carries on. Kelly Clarkson is blasting in my ears as I stare at the dull scenery passing me by. The ground freshly covered with white snow still shows the tips of the green grass underneath, hoping for spring to come a lot sooner than planned. A big green sign catches my eye, and after 3 hours, its reads "WELCOME TO GREENE" I am home.

It's a crazy thing, coming home from college. To the naked eye nothing has changed but emotionally everything is different.

As I pass my old high school that held so many of my memories I realize that I am nothing but a memory to GCS, and the Greene community in a whole. I immediately start to get flash backs about the football games (we never won.. but honestly, it was the best social experience around), Dances with your best friends, talent shows where a strange boy wrote a love letter to a beautiful Leah Rochelle, a stage that doesn't only hold dust but my heart, and a PT Cruiser that belonged to a very rotund gay man always dressed in the finest flamingo button up.

When I reach my street I see the big white house with the black shutters I call home. With eagerness I press my foot on the gas pedal and pull into the driveway. Without even thinking twice I bolt out of my car and into to arms of the prettiest girl in the world, Miss Claire Therese, and a feeling of comfort over comes my body; home is where the heart is.

As the greetings start to quiet from my large family, I venture up to my room where Kelly Clarkson once took over every inch of my walls. There is my bed, there is my TV, there is my dresser, but something didn't feel right. I quickly through my clothes on the floor, and then I felt better.

Dinner came next and the amazing smell of my mom’s cooking filled my senses. NO COLLEGE FOOD FOR THIS KID! It was good to sit down with the family again and talk about our days. I missed Evans laugh and Mom's whit. I missed Dad's bad jokes and Claire’s smile. I even missed Seamus, the dumbest dog in the universe.

Night time crept in and my bed started to call my name. As I lay down I gaze out my window at the stop light as I watch the cars drive by. Slowly I start to doze off; reminiscing about the amazing feeling this house gives me.

I realized that no matter how long you are away, how far you may go, or how often you call, the one thing that never changes is family. Being home is the best feeling in the world, and as finally fall to sleep, a smile comes a crossed my face; Home is where the heart is.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Blast From the Past

Your's truly at the tender age of 3.

Ariel and I would make beautiful merbabies! :]

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
